The Home Energy Savings Program is provided at no cost to the participant. All our services are free, including guidance, education resources, and support.
There are no qualifications or restrictions on who can participate in our program. However, rebate and financing options, such as through CleanBC rebates, have their own eligibility requirements. We help you figure out these rebates so that the renovation is more affordable.
Depending on the type of renovation and qualification requirements for rebates, lead times for retrofits vary from a month to six months. Once the work begins, it can usually be completed within a few days, again depending on the complexity of the upgrade. Rebates normally take up to 90 days to be issued after the upgrade (and post-upgrade EnerGuide assessment, if required) is complete and all documentation has been submitted.
We do not require that a specific contractor do the installations – this is your choice. However, to receive provincial insulation or heat pump rebates, or if you are participating in the BC Income Qualified Program, you must use a registered contractor. We maintain a list of qualified contractors interested in working with participants in the areas we offer our program, which overlaps with the CleanBC Better Homes search tool of qualified contractors.