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Together we can prove the possible, a message from our President and CEO

We find ourselves walking the narrow edge of a tipping point. On one side, we sense a further descent into crisis — climatic, ecological, institutional, financial, and political. Along the other side, we feel a wave of change gathering, ready to lift us up and into a world of new relationships and expanding possibilities.  

We believe Ecotrust Canada can be a critical force in tipping away from crisis and toward a more equitable, just, and sustainable world. We also believe that our most vital contribution to catalyzing this uplift is to show how a better world is possible here and now.  

Proving the possible means partnering with local communities to create or reclaim on-the-ground examples of thriving, place-based economies. For example, in 2022, we worked with the Metlakatla First Nation to help launch their new Regenerative Ocean Farm — a project that will grow seaweed and shellfish together to create local livelihoods and provide food for the community while rehabilitating nearshore water quality and marine habitat.   

By creating tangible, real-world examples of what is possible, our work can inform and inspire change across communities, regions, continents, and even the planet. We also understand that to prove anything we must be adept at monitoring and evaluating our work, so that we can communicate, replicate, and scale what we have learned.   

That is why in early 2023, we will be releasing a new 5-year Strategic Plan that charts a course for us to prove the possible in the realms of climate, energy, housing, food, and fishing. The plan commits us to uphold our values of trust, courage, curiosity, justice, kinship, and accountability while creating a transparent and robust framework for impact measurement. Perhaps most significantly, this strategic plan calls on us to renew and rejuvenate our commitment to Reconciliation.   

This Tuesday, Nov. 29, is GivingTuesday, and your chance to join us in proving the possible by donating at

Sincerely, Chuck Rumsey, President & CEO, Ecotrust Canada

P.S. You can show your support by becoming a monthly donor, signing up for our newsletter, or sharing this message.