The town of Prince Rupert, BC operates under financial and human capital constraints that limit the capacity and effectiveness of community builders, especially small-scale organizations and entrepreneurs. While some organizations flourish and bring many benefits to Prince Rupert, it remains a challenge to access the information, resources and capital to get ideas off the ground and bring innovative projects to fruition.
As part of the North Coast Innovation Lab, the scope of this project in Summer 2018 looked at coworking in relation to the entrepreneurial community, information sharing included entrepreneurs and the broader community, and resource sharing is in relation to organizational resources.
As the project progressed, three distinct gaps were identified:
- Many entrepreneurs feel like they are “doing it all on their own”
- The need for more coordination and communication between organizations
- The need for more follow-up support for program participants after completion of entrepreneurial related training and programs
Refining these gaps helped to form the objectives of the project:
- Increasing interaction and cohesion within entrepreneur communities
- Increasing access to available organizational resources
- Increasing support after entrepreneurial related training and programs